The care pathway

Eating disorders (EDs) can have serious health consequences and they require multidisciplinary care

Since February 2024, children, adolescents and young adults (up to the age of 23) suffering from EDs can benefit from specialised care. This care can begin as soon as the doctor diagnoses an eating disorder, activates the care pathway and creates a treatment plan with the various professionals involved. Sessions with a psychologist as well as with a dietitian are provided. (The sessions with a dietitian are fully reimbursed by the mutuelle under the "eating disorder" care pathway.) dans le cadre du trajet de soins « troubles d’alimentation ».

The 3 stages of the care pathway




Your GP diagnoses an eating disorder



Treatment plan

Ton médecin généraliste, un·e psychologue et un·e diététicien·ne font un plan de soins qui t’est adapté




You will benefit from psychological support and specialised dietetic care

The first step in starting the "care pathway" is to visit your GP.

If you have any questions or feel uncomfortable discussing them with your doctor, we're here to help! You can contact us by filling in this form.

Obesity and Orality Disorders

Similarly, children aged 2 to 17 suffering from obesity can also benefit from specialised care. Depending on their needs, they may be monitored by a dietitian, a multidisciplinary outpatient team, or in a specialised residential centre.

Similarly, if your child aged between 0 and 12 is unable to eat because of an orality disordera paediatric care pathway is available.

Make an appointment with your GP or paediatrician to assess the situation and determine the best way forward.

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