Centres Specialising in the Treatment of Eating Disorders in Brussels

(for children, teenagers and young adults)

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Brussels University Hospital

Laeken site (HUDERF): for patients aged 0-15 years
Tel: +32 2 477 31 80

The approach is integrative and multidisciplinary. It includes the treatment of EDs and their physical consequences, with individual and family psychotherapy.

  • Multidisciplinary ED consultations (including: speech therapists, dietitians, psychologists and
    paediatricians, child psychiatrists).
  • Hospitalisation in a paediatric ward: for emergency or physical repercussions
    majeurs avec prise en charge soutenue en pédopsychiatrie de liaison
  • Child psychiatry inpatient unit: inpatient treatment for severe, early-onset EDs (8-14 years)

Anderlecht site (Erasme): for patients aged 12 to 20
Tel: +32 2 555 32 96

  1. Multidisciplinary EDs consultations 12-20 years: paediatrician, dietitians, psychologists and child psychiatrists
  2. Intensive Ambulatory Centre for EDs :
    IN/OUT patient programs (before and after hospitalisation) and
    intensive family-based therapy, patient group therapy, parents' group,
    psycho-education and multi-family therapy
  3. Adolescent inpatient unit Hospitalisation for severe EDs 12-18 ans

In an emergency

HUDERF Emergency Department (available 24/7 for under-18s)

TEL : +32 2 477 31 00

Brussels University Hospital

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le KaPP Day Hospital / Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department / Paediatrics Department

Professor Sophie Symnann
Tel: 02 605 60 30

Email : pedopsychiatrie@saintluc.uclouvain.be

The KaPP is a hospital unit of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc.approved and subsidised by the INAMI

The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department also offers an outpatient clinic specialising in eating disorders.

The Paediatrics Department PIM = Projet Intégré Multidisciplinaire = intensive liaison child psychiatry approach (agreement approved and subsidised by the INAMI).

The Paediatrics Department also offers specialist consultations in line with the Paediatric Eating Disorders (0-12 years) agreement. approved and subsidised by the INAMI.

In an emergency

Paediatric Emergency or Crisis Unit (Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc Emergency Department)

TEL : +32 2 764 21 21
24/7 direct line to psychiatric emergencies

Le Kapp treatment centre website

Treatment of TCA EPSYLON

La Ramée

Epsylon Clinique la Ramée - Unit 2

Dr Judith Dereau, Head of Department, Mr Jonathan Leroy, Head of Paramedics, Dr Alain Cohen, Head of Somatic Medicine, Ms Elise Pieniezny, Head Nurse.
el : 02 431 76 00

Calls for hospitalisation are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9.00 and 9.30 am.

Care at La Ramée is hospital-based, day and night. The unit cares for patients from adolescence onwards, with no age limit, adapting the care setting according to age and problem.

No on-site emergency service.
A pre-admission appointment is required prior to any admission for an APD

La Ramée treatment centre website

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PAIKA nutrition clinic

Mrs Ursula Van den Eede
Tel: 02 477 60 72


The approach is holistic and therefore multidisciplinary, and includes treatment of somatic aspects and eating behaviour, individual psychotherapy, family counselling and/or family therapy.

Guidance interviews and diagnostic tests can be requested for people aged between 6 and 18.This is only possible if an external care provider, such as a CLB, therapist or GP, is already involved.

A network consultation is launched, in which the external care provider also participates. If this condition is met, parents can register on the first Thursday of the month between 10am and 11am with Ms Kathy Ringoot on the general number of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department: 02/477.60.72.

Only telephone registrations will be accepted.

In an emergency

Emergencies at the UZbrussel

Paika treatment centre website

Map of specialised centres in Brussels

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